25th Jun2024

AS158 Ouch

by admin

We chat about going as host to Casual Week for their Hedo takeover. J manages to get hurt…yet again on vacation…it’s all good though, it helped us be able to hit Libertine Events in Miami as an extra last minute trip! Enjoy!!

15th Feb2024

AS157 Tears of a Clown

by admin

we talk with a friend about J’s Depression

hell yes I was drunk so I could talk about it.

10th Sep2023

AS156 XXX Anniversary

by admin

We spent our 30th wedding anniversary with some of our favorite humans!!! We went to Desire RM for the first time and had an amazing time…..minus the unusually high temperatures. This episode has us chatting with a nudist couple aka…swinger adjacent…. that we everyone hung out with and they are two awesome people!

15th Jun2023

AS155 Aggressive Cuddling

by admin

Actually, no need. Just write:

We came, we saw, WE FUCKED SHIT UP!! Haha I dunno. I’m bad at these things

31st Mar2023

AS154 Sexy Cheese

by admin

We sit down with Michael & Bri and talk about their amazing and unique relationship. They tell us a few great stories as well! We hope you enjoy listening as much as we did!

by Artist KAT LAUREL
23rd Dec2022

AS153 FSU Cruise

by admin

We chat about our amazing cruise with THE Sapphic Swingers crew. We had such a great time with them and all of their group prior to the cruise and an even more fantastic time on the actual cruise!

16th Sep2022

AS152 Naked camping

by admin

we spent a weekend with Lucy & Desi naked camping

does anyone actually read this email us if you do

02nd Jul2022

AS151 Shroomed

by admin

Our PCAP Recap!! We chat about our amazing time at Podcast-A-Palooza Palm Springs. It was so much fun connecting with new friends and seeing our sexy friends from across the world! Enjoy!

04th May2022

AS150 Decade of Decadence

by admin

So WHAT happened in the last 10 years??? Listen to the very first recording we ever did!

03rd Apr2022

AS149 Let’s Vacation

by admin

We have a chat with our friends about upcoming vacations this year! Come join us on some of our adventures! First UP! We chat with the Bedhoppers about the Podcast-A-Palooza hotel takeover in Palm Springs. Then we get Naughty in N’a.wlins with Cate. To end the year with a Bang……or Bliss we go cruisin’ with our favorite Lesbians aka Sapphic Swingers.

AS143 Poo Chat Average Swingers podcast



Naughty N Nawlins

wanderlustswingers | Beacons mobile website builder

wanderlustswingers | Beacons mobile website builder@wanderlustswingers | Aussie Podcasters talking about all things Swinging and NonMonogamy Come to our full hotel…

Bliss cruise

Sapphic Swingers Podcast

Sapphic Swingers PodcastJust 2 ladies in love…who love the ladies!
