15th Jun2023

AS155 Aggressive Cuddling

by admin

Actually, no need. Just write:

We came, we saw, WE FUCKED SHIT UP!! Haha I dunno. I’m bad at these things

23rd Dec2022

AS153 FSU Cruise

by admin

We chat about our amazing cruise with THE Sapphic Swingers crew. We had such a great time with them and all of their group prior to the cruise and an even more fantastic time on the actual cruise!

03rd Apr2022

AS149 Let’s Vacation

by admin

We have a chat with our friends about upcoming vacations this year! Come join us on some of our adventures! First UP! We chat with the Bedhoppers about the Podcast-A-Palooza hotel takeover in Palm Springs. Then we get Naughty in N’a.wlins with Cate. To end the year with a Bang……or Bliss we go cruisin’ with our favorite Lesbians aka Sapphic Swingers.

AS143 Poo Chat Average Swingers podcast



Naughty N Nawlins

wanderlustswingers | Beacons mobile website builder

wanderlustswingers | Beacons mobile website builder@wanderlustswingers | Aussie Podcasters talking about all things Swinging and NonMonogamy Come to our full hotel…

Bliss cruise

Sapphic Swingers Podcast

Sapphic Swingers PodcastJust 2 ladies in love…who love the ladies!

08th Oct2021

AS143 Poo Chat

by admin

While in Vienna we chatted with Wanderlust and Bed Hoppers for a fun night of random BS

01st May2021

AS 139 Sex on the Fringe

by admin

What do you want to know about drug usage in the swinging lifestyle? What about condoms, dental dams and sex fests? Join us as we explore these fun topics.

In this interview we talk to Shane and Erin from the Sex on the Fringe blog where they explore sex, consciousness, & substance Use.

We touch on condom use, what a ‘sex fest‘ is (aka read orgy) and why Shane is a grammarphile.

Podcast Featuring:

Join these Swinging Lifestyle Events:

Sex on the Fringe
25th Aug2020

AS130 DTF Party

by admin

Nick and Annie are one of the sexiest couples we know. They join us as we talk about house parties, group parties, chemistry, and of course Walmart! Ha Ha!!

21st Jun2020

AS127 Soliloquy

by admin

The beautiful Sapphic Swingers, Rachel and Tiff, join us for Pride Month! We enjoy learning new things about the LGBTQ+ Community and chatting with them never disappoints!


30th Apr2020

AS125 Self sexing Snail trail

by admin

We chat & laugh with Andi & Dave of Double Date Nation. About staying connected while in lock-down!

26th Mar2020


by admin

Our Biweekly Live Twitter show with http://@B_JFunCouple

12th Mar2020

ASB58 Objects inside me

by admin

Our Biweekly Live Twitter show with http://@B_JFunCouple
